(3/3) i think donny's guide is the prequisite for matthew's typography book, which is more comprehensive, more opinionated, more elegant, yet less practical, despite the title.
(2/3) in summary, look for: a generous x-height, open apertures, even letter-spacing, clear terminals, distinguishable ascenders and descenders, and enough contrast in stroke thickness. aka: give eyeballs what they want.
(1/3) this is the most practical guide i've found for looking at fonts. it's not just about vibes. donny points out exactly what makes a typeface legible. he also shares basic guidelines and css snippets for web typography in general.
til: bash and readline are both maintained by one fellow!
- he still updates both projects
- he made an old text editor (ce) which is like a tiny emacs
- he loves basketball and other sports (proof)
(2/2) the chronicles show the progression of culture along with tech. like, what was life like pre-internet? how did employment change with the introduction of computers? how did the first unix terminals work? what was the first software? who were the early adopters?
(1/2) the best history of computing imo, from 1984 to 2002:
the computer chronicles.
you see the world gradually discover computers.
great hosts, neat demonstrations, good interviews.
perhaps start with S11E7, the internet.
if bored: check the 404 pages of your favorite small-web sites.
for example, see
and many others that i'm forgetting.
some instrumental songs that make me feel warm and fuzzy inside:
- looking up, michel petrucciani (yt)
- everyone's a vip to someone, the go! team (yt)
- entr'acte, the sound of music (yt)
i got a jaw harp. it makes the boing boing sound in spud infinity and fantastic mr fox. i thought it would be an easy instrument, but no! i struggle to coordinate my face, fingers, and breathing.
(3/3) on the third hand, where else could i write about huffing my own farts?
maybe that's what traditional social media is for.
or diaries.
or regular blogs.
(ever uncomfortable, the author continues sharing random links)
(2/3) on the other hand, i imagine readers sifting through the page and finding useful nuggets. that keeps me going. i also imagine they enjoy indie-web-voyeurism just as i do: curious to get inside people's heads and see something personal.
(1/3) i'm realizing a few weeks in: microblogging feels incredibly vain. both kinds of vain: vain as in huffing my own farts, and vain as in useless. on one hand, i imagine this page gives the same vibes as a loner tweeting unfunny jokes.
just came across keybr, which is spaced repetition for typing practice. it gradually introduces new keys. it analyzes results, too: see my heatmap.jpg of hits and misses (i often flub c, i, t, and p)
i loved dave's
on his experience with p5js.
he has a lot of passion, creativity, smarts, and good vibes.
happy to see him grow with the project.
p5 2.0 seems promising!
bonus: the interactive
welcome demo
before llm agents, there was jessica's atomist, a "robot pair" for elm codegen. i think about it every year. 1) elm's strong type system and compiler made it possible 2) today, we can almost generate refactors for any language 3) still need better ux
favorite tiny desk concerts:
- alicia keys (link)
- c. tangana (link)
- weyes blood (link)
- tank and the bangas (link)
- los hacheros (link)
adding to
#1: my nuggets are also inspired by "linkblogs" like
jarrod's 7 things.
sometimes you just want to share a cool link ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(we are all digital hoarders)
comments? questions? concerned?
reach me at
i like receiving emails from other internet wanderers.
have a swell day ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜
kombucha tier list:
- brew dr, crisp apple
- health-ade, passion fruit + tangerine
- synergy, multi-green
- publix greenwise, honeycrisp apple
been wanting to write a post: "freetaxusa has great form design". just gotta do my taxes and take lots of screenshots.
one-month review of the xsto wallet:
- business cards slightly curved but not dirty
- wishing i got the 6-card variant instead of 4-card
- lightweight yet durable
- good customer service
reducing friction:
my alias
before: new aliases do not persist until you copy them to
after: just type
alias key='value'
as usual, and it automatically saves to file.
small UX victories.
i've cooked up a fun alias for
sudo !!
(no shift required):
alias oops='$(fc -ln -2 -2 | sed '\''s/^/sudo /g'\'')'
it's basically "get last line of history and prepend
(5/5) ultimately, i'm saying: try weightlifting. find a gym conveniently nearby, find a friend or personal trainer to mentor you for a couple months, find exercises you enjoy, find a time that works for you, find 30-whatever dollars a month.
(4/5) maybe it's cliche to be a gym evangelist. i share these gym nuggets only because it's drastically improved my life. it's much more valuable than a bookmarklet or song recommendation. and that's coming from a twice-a-week newbie!
(3/5) the gym is a refreshingly positive feedback loop: i lift weights, then i'm pumped with endorphins, then i eat & drink well afterwards, then i'm happy and productive for a bit, then i sleep well, then the next day is easier.
(2/5) i've grown used to negative feedback loops: feeling depressed, then not taking care of myself, then losing energy and motivation, then falling behind on todos, then feeling crappy all over again, but worser.
(1/5) just deadlifted my bodyweight for the first time! shoutouts to squat university for superb weightlifting tips. first gym goal: complete. gymgoing is now a lifestyle, not a phase. it's sorta saving my life.
another random music rec: a dream is all we know, by the lemon twigs (spotify). poppy 70s vibes, if that's your thing. their last two albums have been fantastic. i caught a few earworms.
(2/2) this means you can unbloat recipe websites in a few taps with this "foodmarklet":
javascript:void((()=>{let js=document.createElement('script');js.src="//unpkg.com/foodmarklet";document.head.appendChild(js)})());
(1/2) did you know you can make bookmarklets (userscripts) on mobile? (full instructions)
- bookmark any page
- change the url to your code
- give it a title like
- to activate, tap the address bar and type
one of my favorite songs this year: "sisters of a down". such an unlikely crossover, yet it works so well. i can't get enough. now i'm searching for more indian music and more metal.
before settling on
, i considered:
feel free to adopt one for your own site.
they deserve a home...
the indie web, particularly jarrod, inspired this page. see also: linus' stream, geoff's one-liners, and simon's TILs. the styling riffs off an earlier experiment of mine, /enjoyables.
greetings from my new microblog!
"nuggets: a taste of who i am and what i do."
sometimes tech, sometimes not.
always casual.